Although Infinite Dawn had all of the elements that make for an interesting dungeon, the player complained that one of the bosses was difficult to beat and poorly designed. Morchie, the sixth Boss of Infinite Dawn, is widely considered by players to be the most frustrating part of the dungeon. This consensus was reached earlier today in a post on the official World of Warcraft subreddit.

Players point to the one stage they face as a significant reason why this Boss is more difficult than other Bosses, despite the fact that she is in no way an insurmountable obstacle and defeating her is not even close to being an impossibility.

The ability that Morchie possesses is referred to as more problems, and players sometimes refer to classic wow gold as the hat stage. For some players, this ability presents a challenge. Mocky is able to conjure his own clones while in this psychic state, and each of them wears a unique hat. Your mission is to get behind the "real" Morchie—the one who isn't wearing a hat—and stay out of the way when she throws the frontal cone after a few seconds have passed. The disadvantage of having this ability, however, is that many of the headpieces she wears, such as one that resembles bunny ears, are difficult to distinguish from one another.

It is difficult enough to recognize the Boss, but having to lean forward to the screen in order to determine whether or not she has rabbit ears feels like a Boss mechanic from 2009, according to 38dedo, the original publisher of this post.

  • Some WoW players commented that they would make Morchie larger overall to make her more noticeable (after all, she is a dwarf), as well as replace some of her less obvious hats, such as her rabbit ears and wearable candles, with brighter alternatives, such as a winter screen Santa hat

  • Because they play the game in small size to see projectiles and harmful abilities, but it's difficult to see Morchie's actual model, one Reddit user by the name of rabbitsaresmall said that the size issue is the real issue


We are generally of the opinion that the idea of making Morchie bigger and providing her with some new hats is the best one. It is reasonable to assume that providing bosses with ambiguous hats will make this stage of the encounter more challenging; however, the monotony of the mechanics can sometimes have the opposite effect intended. Altering Morchie's attire might make the fight a touch simpler, but it would also make it a great deal less frustrating, and that counts as a win in our book.



It is possible that Blizzard will fix Morchie's encounter in the near future. This is because the World of Warcraft development team usually responds to the wishes of the community when they come across issues that can be easily fixed, such as this one.

I agree with the sentiments of those older World of Warcraft players who value the experience more than the final reward.

This year marks the 19th anniversary of the release of World of Warcraft, and much like any other successful video game on the market, it has undergone significant changes over the course of its existence, removing obsolete features and giving the world an entirely new appearance. Some World of Warcraft players, including myself, long for the experience that the game used to provide because, as the game has evolved, its emphasis has shifted from being on the journey to being on the destination.

On August 3, a post was made on the World of Warcraft subreddit in which the community discussed their opinions regarding the game that are not widely held. The modern version of World of Warcraft has been criticized by a large number of players for placing an excessive emphasis on mythology as well as dungeons and raids. These players have stated that they would prefer a game design that places a greater emphasis on the journey rather than the end goal. They would rather go on an adventure and make new friends along the way than just rush through the levels to get to the end of the game. At the end of the game, you have the option of doing one of three things: mythology plus dungeons, player versus player combat, or raids.

As was the case in Battle for Azeroth and Shadow Kingdom before it, there is no question that Dragon Legion heralds the beginning of a new era in gaming. Gone are the days of the time control system, borrowed powers, and daily trivia. However, World of Warcraft has come a long way since its heyday, which we witnessed during the game's first three iterations. You want to reach the highest level as quickly as possible, so you're going to try to speed up the process of upgrading by collecting heirlooms and spawning monsters in the dungeon. In doing so, you'll effectively ignore the previous 18 years of development in order to accomplish your seasonal goals.