The development team responsible for Diablo 4 has just disclosed a number of changes that were implemented as a direct result of player feedback gathered during the most recent beta testing. Even though many of the adjustments are substantial, some of the most notable ones affect the Barbarian class, which is generally regarded as Diablo 4's most vulnerable.

Early on in the Diablo 4 beta, the Barbarian displayed a number of positive characteristics that were cause for optimism. 

It was a class that was very user-friendly, offering new players a simple melee playstyle, a large number of defensive tools, and a large number of stats to choose from. Playing as a Barbarian in the early levels of Diablo 4 felt like it was one of the best choices you could make across the board.

  • On the other hand, as you made your way further into the game, you probably became aware of the fact that Barbarians are subject to a number of restrictions that are fairly significant

  • In particular, their sluggish movement speeds and inability to quickly close gaps made many of the boss battles significantly more difficult than they ought to have been

  • When it came time to take on the boss, barbarians frequently found themselves trapped in damage zones with only a limited number of viable Diablo 4 Items for dealing significant damage to a single target

  • If you decided to focus your character's abilities on taking on the game's more powerful bosses, you might find that other aspects of the game, such as those that require you to take on larger groups of foes, become more difficult

  • However, the majority of the other classes did not have to deal with this challenge to the same extent as we did


Players were split on whether or not they thought barbarians would become more powerful once more of their high-end Legendary gear and class-specific systems were made available to them. It is extremely likely that this is the case; however, it would appear that the Diablo 4 development team is not going to wait that long to provide some assistance to barbarians in the game.

The most recent update to Diablo 4 has introduced a patch that grants Barbarians a massive 10% passive damage reduction effect. This effect is independent of the Barbarian's build, skills, or equipment and applies to all enemies. In order to make up for that change, some damage reduction passives have been reduced. However, I seriously doubt that those bonuses would have been nearly as powerful as that universal defensive buff, so this change should not be considered a penalty.

It gets better. Whirlwind, an ability available to Barbarians, now deals more damage and requires a greater expenditure of Fury than it did previously. However, you shouldn't put too much stock in the fact that the specific numbers haven't been revealed to you because that won't help you very much. It was never especially difficult to generate Fury while using Whirlwind, but it was more difficult to generate damage, especially when used against single targets. When we discuss skills, it is important to point out that the Double Swing Skill Enhancement for the Barbarian now returns the full amount of Fury that was spent on it when used on enemies that have been stunned or knocked down. Assuming that other changes improved the effectiveness of such abilities while they are being used in battle, this may provide barbarians with an additional way to defend themselves during encounters with elite enemies and bosses in the game.

In addition, the patch notes state that bosses such as Tchort, Malnok, Vhenard, and others were reevaluated for the difficulty of their melee characters, which resulted in changes to attacks and fight mechanics. These changes were implemented in order to improve the overall gameplay experience. Additionally, the patch notes state that all classes should now have access to sufficient skills that remove control impairing effects. This should be the case. Despite the fact that neither of those are described as such in the patch notes, both of those are significant additions to the Barbarian class.

In other news pertaining to classes, significant improvements have been made to the Druid class's Companion Skills, Ultimates, and transformation abilities. 

Druids are another beta class that has been criticized for its lackluster performance. The most potent abilities of Necromancers and Mages, namely Corpse Explosion and Chain Lightning, respectively, are now significantly weaker than they were in the game's previous iteration due to a "nerf" that was applied to the classes.

It is interesting to note that rogues have received some nice buffs, especially considering that they already had a good deal of power to begin with. In light of this, it is especially interesting to note that rogues have received some nice buffs.

In spite of this, the most recent developments are cause for optimism. The development team that worked on Diablo 4 gives off the impression that they want you to play the game for a considerable amount of time, and frequent updates like this one give the impression that they are dedicated to addressing problems as they occur in the game. The decision of which character class to play in Diablo 4, which will finally be released on June 6, has, at the very least, become a little bit more difficult.