Void ore, which is similar to fae iron in the New World, is a rare drop from a common mining deposit that is difficult to come by in the Old World. But there are some things that players should keep in mind when searching for this extremely rare resource, and they are as follows. Players in search of void ore will benefit greatly from planning ahead of time, according to the game's official website.


One of the most important things for players to remember is that void ore is obtained by mining orichalcum veins, which is one of the most difficult things to remember. Even though veins can be found throughout most of New World, the islands west of Ebonscale Reach and northeast of Mountainhome have a particularly dense concentration of veins to be found in their midst. In order to collect void ore, players' mining levels must be at least 175 in order to collect it.

The fact that void ore is such a rare drop means that players will want to improve their mining luck as much as possible in order to increase their chances of discovering it. Certain food items in New World can help to give you a boost, though they do not stack with one another.

For this dish, you'll need a potato, a stick of unsalted butter, and a peppercorn, which can all be found at your local supermarket. Within 20 minutes of being activated, it increases mining luck by 1000 points for a total of 20 minutes.

Spice-Roasted Potatoes: To make this dish from scratch, you'll need one potato, one honey, one butter, and one cinnamon, all of which must be homemade. It increases mining luck by 1400 points for a period of 25 minutes, which is a significant increase.

Purchasing void ore from a trading post is another option that players have at their disposition. Despite this, due to the item's scarcity, the price is likely to be prohibitively expensive for most consumers. As soon as the ore is discovered, the players must train to become master blacksmiths in order to advance in the game.


What Can Void Ore Be Used For in the New World is a mystery to me.


- It is possible for players who have reached the level of 60 to improve their gear score in a variety of ways, as follows

- It is possible to accomplish this by following the questline for the legendary weapon, for example,While that quest is available throughout the game, it isn't until the very end of the game that it becomes available

- However, players can use void ore to improve their armor to a respectable level before that happens

- Creating legendary Voidbent armor, which is an extremely rare type of armor, is one of the most important mechanics in New World, and void ore can be used to create this armor

A player's void ore must be refined into a voidbent ingot in order for them to be able to create armor out of it. To achieve completion, a tier-three smelter will be required as well as one void ore, one void essence, and 10 energy cores from the player's inventory. For each primary gear slot, there is a piece of voidbent armor available, and players will require one voidbent ingot for each piece of voidbent armor they wish to craft. This depends on what kind of gear you are trying to make and what ingredients you have left over. The following are the pieces that are included in the voidbent set, as well as the crafting recipes for each of the pieces:

The Voidbent Helm is made of Asmodeum, 4 Runic Leather, 4 Phoenixweave, 4 Tolvium, 2 Cinnabar, 2 Infused Fur, and 1 Voidbent Ingot, all of which are used in its construction.

The Voidbent Breastplate is made of Asmodeum, 8 Runic Leather, 7 Phoenixweave, 4 Tolvium, 2 Cinnabar, 2 Infused Fur, and 1 Voidbent Ingot, among other materials.

The following materials were used to make the Asmodeum Gauntlets: 6 Asmodeum, 4 Tolvium, 2 Runic Leathers, 2 Cinnabars, 2 Infused Furs, 1 Phoenixweave, and 1 Voidbent Ingot.

The following materials were used in the creation of the Voidbent Legguards:12 Asmodeum, 4 Runic Leather, 4 Tolvium, 2 Phoenixweave, 2 Cinnabar, 2 Infused Fur, and 1 Voidbent Ingot are used in this recipe.

The Voidbent Sabatons are made up of six Asmodeum, four Tolvium, two Runic Leather, two Cinnabar, two Infused Fur, one Phoenixweave, and one Voidbent Ingot, among other materials.

It will be necessary for New World players to level up their characters as well as their mining and blacksmithing trades in order for void ore to be useful to them in the future.